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Hello Everyone, 

Today I want to talk about getting back into working out or to the gym. I know many of us, myself included have fallen off the wagon a little bit with daily exercise and healthy eating. 

There is nothing wrong with taking a long break from working out. If your body needs a break, give yourself the break. Whether it’s a week or 3 months, listen to your body!! 

You will feel much better when you do choose to return to working out when your body has had proper time to recover. And we all know this last year and these past couple of weeks of the new year have been exceptionally hard on all of us. Some of us may need longer time to recover from the stress our body is undergoing. 

Here are a couple of tips for when you do start exercising again: 
1. Start slow. Don’t go straight into where you left off, this can cause you to burn out again or even injure yourself. You need to build up to where you were at for a couple of weeks. 
2. REST. As I stated before allowing your body to properly recover is important. If you are pushing yourself too much too soon it can cause you to burn out and become tired and potentially cause you to stop for a long break again. 
3. Get enough sleep at night to allow your body to recover properly. During sleep is when our bodies recharge from what we did during the day. If we aren’t getting the full 8 hours of sleep at night our bodies aren’t fully recovering, hence why we are waking up tired or achy. Of course if we are working out and pushing our bodies we are going to be sore, but if we allow our selves the optimal amount of time to rebuild our muscles and replenish over night we wake up ready for the day. 
4. Stay hydrated. When we are moving more and increasing our exercise or daily physical activity, the amount of water our body uses increases as well. We need to make sure we are replenishing what we are losing so we don’t experience fatigue through out the day or during our workouts. 

(The rest of the post is in the comments)

Hello Everyone, Today I want to talk about getting back into working out or to the gym. I know many of us, myself included have fallen off the wagon a little bit with daily exercise and healthy eating. There is nothing wrong with taking a long break from working out. If your body needs a break, give yourself the break. Whether it’s a week or 3 months, listen to your body!! You will feel much better when you do choose to return to working out when your body has had proper time to recover. And we all know this last year and these past couple of weeks of the new year have been exceptionally hard on all of us. Some of us may need longer time to recover from the stress our body is undergoing. Here are a couple of tips for when you do start exercising again: 1. Start slow. Don’t go straight into where you left off, this can cause you to burn out again or even injure yourself. You need to build up to where you were at for a couple of weeks. 2. REST. As I stated before allowing your body to properly recover is important. If you are pushing yourself too much too soon it can cause you to burn out and become tired and potentially cause you to stop for a long break again. 3. Get enough sleep at night to allow your body to recover properly. During sleep is when our bodies recharge from what we did during the day. If we aren’t getting the full 8 hours of sleep at night our bodies aren’t fully recovering, hence why we are waking up tired or achy. Of course if we are working out and pushing our bodies we are going to be sore, but if we allow our selves the optimal amount of time to rebuild our muscles and replenish over night we wake up ready for the day. 4. Stay hydrated. When we are moving more and increasing our exercise or daily physical activity, the amount of water our body uses increases as well. We need to make sure we are replenishing what we are losing so we don’t experience fatigue through out the day or during our workouts. (The rest of the post is in the comments)


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