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September is the time of year when the winds of change seem to blow more keenly. The air changes, the nights are already growing longer, the children go back to school, and a feeling of starting to prepare for the colder months creeps in.

This year that feeling seems much more intense most notably because the schools have been closed to most of the pupils for the past 6 months. There is always a build up at the end of the 6 weeks holidays but this year the intensity of feeling is huge for my family.

School isn’t a place that my children enjoy at the best of times so they’ve liked being home. Huge anxiety has crept in over the past few weeks. My son went back to school yesterday with a support plan to help him walk through the door. It was a very successful morning (he’s only going in half days this week to support him) which was great followed by a very stressful post school and he was awake from around 4am.

My daughter starts back in Year 8 today. She had a panic attack at bedtime and has huge worries about being back in school. Many of the fears will hopefully be allayed when she goes in today but historically the daily stress ramps up her sensory system bringing a variety of difficulties.

I send them back with mixed feelings. Not because I’m  worried about the virus but more because I’m concerned for their emotional wellbeing and the impact that has on them outside of school too. I’ll be placing a daily bubble of angelic protection around them both and we have sprays and flower remedies to help their confidence. I’m hoping seeing their friends will help their emotional wellbeing too. 

Change can be very positive in the longer term. I always try and hold onto the bigger picture of where the change will take me and the possibilities that might arise. The needs my children have are slowly being acknowledged and that will support their learning and hopefully bring more positive experiences.

We have other changes building as a family that will bring new experiences and surroundings too and I’m holding the intention that these will bring much positivity with them and open new doors to our happiness as a family. 💖

September is the time of year when the winds of change seem to blow more keenly. The air changes, the nights are already growing longer, the children go back to school, and a feeling of starting to prepare for the colder months creeps in. This year that feeling seems much more intense most notably because the schools have been closed to most of the pupils for the past 6 months. There is always a build up at the end of the 6 weeks holidays but this year the intensity of feeling is huge for my family. School isn’t a place that my children enjoy at the best of times so they’ve liked being home. Huge anxiety has crept in over the past few weeks. My son went back to school yesterday with a support plan to help him walk through the door. It was a very successful morning (he’s only going in half days this week to support him) which was great followed by a very stressful post school and he was awake from around 4am. My daughter starts back in Year 8 today. She had a panic attack at bedtime and has huge worries about being back in school. Many of the fears will hopefully be allayed when she goes in today but historically the daily stress ramps up her sensory system bringing a variety of difficulties. I send them back with mixed feelings. Not because I’m worried about the virus but more because I’m concerned for their emotional wellbeing and the impact that has on them outside of school too. I’ll be placing a daily bubble of angelic protection around them both and we have sprays and flower remedies to help their confidence. I’m hoping seeing their friends will help their emotional wellbeing too. Change can be very positive in the longer term. I always try and hold onto the bigger picture of where the change will take me and the possibilities that might arise. The needs my children have are slowly being acknowledged and that will support their learning and hopefully bring more positive experiences. We have other changes building as a family that will bring new experiences and surroundings too and I’m holding the intention that these will bring much positivity with them and open new doors to our happiness as a family. 💖


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