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Offering the thorough health care your family needs to live a better lifestyle. We’ll start with a comprehensive visit to determine how best to help you, then create a plan to address your needs. We’re dedicated to creating a healthier world!

Experience, knowledge and a caring environment await your family at DesLauriers Chiropractic Group Inc.. White Rock chiropractors Dr. Kim Greene-DesLauriers and Dr. Pierre DesLauriers have a focus on wellness care for all ages, serving area families in a bright, beautiful, stress-free environment with an excellent team ready to support you.

For more information please visit our website:

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Offering the thorough health care your family needs to live a better lifestyle. We’ll start with a comprehensive visit to determine how best to help you, then create a plan to address your needs. We’re dedicated to creating a healthier world! Experience, knowledge and a caring environment await your family at DesLauriers Chiropractic Group Inc.. White Rock chiropractors Dr. Kim Greene-DesLauriers and Dr. Pierre DesLauriers have a focus on wellness care for all ages, serving area families in a bright, beautiful, stress-free environment with an excellent team ready to support you. For more information please visit our website: #DesLauriersChiropractic #deslaurierschiropractic #DCGInc #dcginc #dcg #WhiteRockHealth #whiterockhealth #whiterock #chiropractic #chiropractor #chiropractors #health #healthcare #painmanagement #patient #patientcare #wellness #familycare