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I was tagged by @mostlymorbidreads to do the #flatlayoffaves challenge, so I gave it a go- thanks for the tag!
Here are my favourite true crime and crime fiction books! If I tagged you, feel free to post about your favourites, true crime or not 😊

#bookstagram #bookchallenge #booklover #books #truecrimebooks #truecrimememes #serialkillers #truecrimeobsession #truecrime #truecrimecommunity #sherlockholmes #agathachristie #tedbundy #stephenking #michellemcnamara

I was tagged by @mostlymorbidreads to do the #flatlayoffaves challenge, so I gave it a go- thanks for the tag! Here are my favourite true crime and crime fiction books! If I tagged you, feel free to post about your favourites, true crime or not 😊 #bookstagram #bookchallenge #booklover #books #truecrimebooks #truecrimememes #serialkillers #truecrimeobsession #truecrime #truecrimecommunity #sherlockholmes #agathachristie #tedbundy #stephenking #michellemcnamara

#flatlayoffaves #bookstagram #bookchallenge #booklover #books #truecrimebooks #truecrimememes #serialkillers #truecrimeobsession #truecrime #truecrimecommunity #sherlockholmes #agathachristie #tedbundy #stephenking #michellemcnamara

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