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Lucky Bamboo ๐ŸŽ‹

Lucky bamboo stalks grow well in soil or in water. People believe that lucky bamboo brings happiness and prosperity which increases as it grows. Lucky bamboo comes from China and Taiwan but it originated in west Africa.
As you might already know, Lucky Bamboo isnโ€™t actually a bamboo plant. Instead, it is actually a Dracaena. Because of this, it needs to be treated like a dracaena, especially when it comes to lighting.
Place your lucky bamboo somewhere it will only get indirect sunlight. Keep it out of direct sunlight. This plant will easily burn if it gets too much direct sunlight. If this happens, the leaf will begin to turn a pale yellow color. These portions can be trimmed off and removed, only make sure that it is safe from getting sunburned in the future. This plant also does well in low light situations but growth will be slower.

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Lucky Bamboo ๐ŸŽ‹ History Lucky bamboo stalks grow well in soil or in water. People believe that lucky bamboo brings happiness and prosperity which increases as it grows. Lucky bamboo comes from China and Taiwan but it originated in west Africa. Care As you might already know, Lucky Bamboo isnโ€™t actually a bamboo plant. Instead, it is actually a Dracaena. Because of this, it needs to be treated like a dracaena, especially when it comes to lighting. Place your lucky bamboo somewhere it will only get indirect sunlight. Keep it out of direct sunlight. This plant will easily burn if it gets too much direct sunlight. If this happens, the leaf will begin to turn a pale yellow color. These portions can be trimmed off and removed, only make sure that it is safe from getting sunburned in the future. This plant also does well in low light situations but growth will be slower. #lifestyle #blog #pearls #plant #succulent #new #pretty #green #sustainability #honey #soul #desert #pot #flower #living #peace #love #beautiful #stunning #food #pasta #yummy #cute #sauce #display #flatlay #creative #inspiration #motivation

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