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You people should come let’s sign the petition that until this virus has carried its last suitcase to leave this world we should all behave 😂🤣. T for tankzzz.
Idk about you but I’m still going to hide small small becaaulllzzzz it eezzz what it eezzz 🤣😂. Then 2 weeks later they’ll come and say oh the vaccine was kalyppo that they mixed and it’s not working well so they’re sorry for left 🥵 lmao. I hope this is good news though cause chaley the world gotta pick up and move again! 
Listeeennn, DONT 👏🏿get 👏🏿left 👏🏿behind 👏🏿on 👏🏿this 👏🏿train that’s 👏🏿about👏🏿 to 👏🏿take 👏🏿off!! No matter what you do just don’t let this train leave you behind cause you see how the fuel prices went back up like your insulin level after eating a box of pizza with ice cream? Yes that’s how it’s about to fire lmao. Stay strong, stay healthy and stay woke! We move. V for vimmmm 💪🏿 #coronavirus #wethankgod #decemberinghana2020

You people should come let’s sign the petition that until this virus has carried its last suitcase to leave this world we should all behave 😂🤣. T for tankzzz. • Idk about you but I’m still going to hide small small becaaulllzzzz it eezzz what it eezzz 🤣😂. Then 2 weeks later they’ll come and say oh the vaccine was kalyppo that they mixed and it’s not working well so they’re sorry for left 🥵 lmao. I hope this is good news though cause chaley the world gotta pick up and move again! • Listeeennn, DONT 👏🏿get 👏🏿left 👏🏿behind 👏🏿on 👏🏿this 👏🏿train that’s 👏🏿about👏🏿 to 👏🏿take 👏🏿off!! No matter what you do just don’t let this train leave you behind cause you see how the fuel prices went back up like your insulin level after eating a box of pizza with ice cream? Yes that’s how it’s about to fire lmao. Stay strong, stay healthy and stay woke! We move. V for vimmmm 💪🏿 #coronavirus #wethankgod #decemberinghana2020

#coronavirus #wethankgod #decemberinghana2020

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