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We have started to produce a Face Shield 🛡for children size (Tex-Shield kids) fit-for-use from the kindergarten until 12 years old back-2-school safety, preventive, and infection control campaign. 

 Since 13th Apr. 2020 during the MCO period, we have been producing Tex-Shield at larger scale commercializations and distributed more than millions of Face Shields to various countries and Malaysia. 

 We are the approved legal manufacturer of Face Shield in Malaysia as one of the critical essential personal protective equipment (PPE) to produce and supply for all public service providers who may need to protect from COVID-19. We would like to sincerely thank for all those frontliners & public service providers despite COVID-19 infection risk day & night during this difficult time. 

 For more product details and information, you are always welcome to send your kind inquiries and message to my Instagram contact directly. 🙏😷🇺🇳🇲🇾 


#faceshield #covid19 #mco #coronavirus #corona #penang #luxury #malaysia #backtoschool #ppe #who #medicaldevice #travel #emergency #medical #healthcare #staysafe #stayhealthy #thailand #コロナに負けるな #マレーシア #外出自粛 #ペナン島 #コロナウイルスが早く終息しますように #医療 #日本 #健康 #安心 #子供用 #クアラルンプール

We have started to produce a Face Shield 🛡for children size (Tex-Shield kids) fit-for-use from the kindergarten until 12 years old back-2-school safety, preventive, and infection control campaign.  Since 13th Apr. 2020 during the MCO period, we have been producing Tex-Shield at larger scale commercializations and distributed more than millions of Face Shields to various countries and Malaysia.  We are the approved legal manufacturer of Face Shield in Malaysia as one of the critical essential personal protective equipment (PPE) to produce and supply for all public service providers who may need to protect from COVID-19. We would like to sincerely thank for all those frontliners & public service providers despite COVID-19 infection risk day & night during this difficult time.  For more product details and information, you are always welcome to send your kind inquiries and message to my Instagram contact directly. 🙏😷🇺🇳🇲🇾 Source: #faceshield #covid19 #mco #coronavirus #corona #penang #luxury #malaysia #backtoschool #ppe #who #medicaldevice #travel #emergency #medical #healthcare #staysafe #stayhealthy #thailand #コロナに負けるな #マレーシア #外出自粛 #ペナン島 #コロナウイルスが早く終息しますように #医療 #日本 #健康 #安心 #子供用 #クアラルンプール

#faceshield #covid19 #mco #coronavirus #corona #penang #luxury #malaysia #backtoschool #ppe #who #medicaldevice #travel #emergency #medical #healthcare #staysafe #stayhealthy #thailand

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