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Inside on a Monday with nothing to do. I mixed colors and painted tiny little sunflowers They aren’t perfect but what flower is? 

I have so many memories of sunflowers - of shopping for sunflower seeds with my dad, planting teddybear sunflowers in the backyard with my sisters, and dresses my mom made with hand painted sunflowers.🌻 There’s just something so bright and happy about sunflowers. (I know, you wish you had that hat too!)

Inside on a Monday with nothing to do. I mixed colors and painted tiny little sunflowers They aren’t perfect but what flower is? I have so many memories of sunflowers - of shopping for sunflower seeds with my dad, planting teddybear sunflowers in the backyard with my sisters, and dresses my mom made with hand painted sunflowers.🌻 There’s just something so bright and happy about sunflowers. (I know, you wish you had that hat too!)


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