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In Ancient #Kemet the #Energy of the #Kundalini was used in Kemetic High Magic. In Ancient Kemet the Kundalini energy (Sekhemet,or Uranus) is sometimes referred to as the Astral Serpent. It has its head in the region of the navel. It is compared to a serpent because of the way the energy moves up the 33 bones of the spinal column. This is where the masons stole the 33 degrees within there lodges. This is why at their 33 degree, a Shriner is comparable to the knowledge attained by an Adept of Kemet.
Once the priest and anceint Adepts of Kemet had mastered this technique, they were able to turn their rods (Spinal Cords) into Serpents (energy). This is what was referred to in the Bible when Moses (who was a kemetic high priest), threw down his rod and it was transformed into a great serpent (meaning Moses had mastered a large amount of the energy) and it swallowed up all the smaller serpents (small amounts of energy)

In Ancient #Kemet the #Energy of the #Kundalini was used in Kemetic High Magic. In Ancient Kemet the Kundalini energy (Sekhemet,or Uranus) is sometimes referred to as the Astral Serpent. It has its head in the region of the navel. It is compared to a serpent because of the way the energy moves up the 33 bones of the spinal column. This is where the masons stole the 33 degrees within there lodges. This is why at their 33 degree, a Shriner is comparable to the knowledge attained by an Adept of Kemet. . Once the priest and anceint Adepts of Kemet had mastered this technique, they were able to turn their rods (Spinal Cords) into Serpents (energy). This is what was referred to in the Bible when Moses (who was a kemetic high priest), threw down his rod and it was transformed into a great serpent (meaning Moses had mastered a large amount of the energy) and it swallowed up all the smaller serpents (small amounts of energy)" In the bible King James Version Chapter 7 verse 8- 13, pay attention to this section, especially verse 11 where it says, "Then the pharaoh also called the wise men and SORCERERS, now the MAGICIANS of Egypt, and they also in a "LIKE MANNER WITH THEIR ENCHANTMENTS, cast down every man his rod and they became serpents." So it is obvious that Moses also was using magic, because the Bible says " in a like manner." Which makes since because Moses was taught the teaching out of Kemet, having the best teachers, since he was raised in the Pharaohs house hold. The serpent is closed up in the sacral where it rest upon the triangular bone at the end of the sacrum. The triangular bone is shown as an inverted triangle (according to the mysteries the inverted triangle represents the lowerself, the land of Amanta) Here the Kundalini remains closed until through certain exercises, she is caused to rise through the spinal cord, to the brain, where she awakens the activity of the third eye (Pineal gland). The third eye connects man with his higher spiritual nature of himself. . ASΓ‰ πŸ–€βœŠπŸΎπŸ–€βœŠπŸΎπŸ–€βœŠπŸΎ #HONORTHEANCESTORS . . .

#Kemet #Energy #Kundalini #HONORTHEANCESTORS

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