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Somewhere in 2010- On the left is a girl who always loved eating junk food, didn’t understand the meaning of NUTRITION, almost always skipped breakfast and ate at odd hours. 
Although I was always involved in sports activities in school, there came a point in my life when exercise took a huge backseat. I had just graduated from school and was about to begin my journey into college. And like any college going student, I was living it up! (but also working very hard on my assignments and exams, NIFT had a pretty insane curriculum and I was the queen of procastination, FYI). In between all this madness, Maggi was our go to meal, probably drank buckets loads of alcohol every now and then, stress levels were shooting up, either slept too much or too little.  I was extremely thin and weak, my weight was anywhere between 44-45 kgs. I always thought as long as I’m thin, there’s absolutely no need to exercise? -

2020- On the right is a girl who UNDERSTANDS nutrition, eats 5 meals a day, ensure she gets enough sleep every night (7-8hours), exercises 5-6 times a week, LOVES& RESPECTS her body. 
This wake up call only and only happened when I started putting on weight (which I have mentioned earlier is when I got diagnosed with hypothyroidism), everything I always took for granted came crashing down. I couldn’t be careless or reckless anymore because I knew that if I don’t take care of my body now, I would suffer later and maybe for the rest of my life and that’s when I decided to make exercise apart of my lifestyle. In all these years I have had many set backs, Iv been lazy, Iv been demotivated, I have given up cause my body just wouldn’t see any significant changes, Iv cursed my body for the way it was turning out to be, Iv wished and hoped my thyroid would magically disappear one day. With time I realised that only consistency, a positive mindset, discipline and determination is what is going to get me through.  I have finally reached a stage in my life where quitting is NOT AN OPTION. My weight is anywhere between 54-55 kgs now, I feel strong and healthy 🙏🏻
Problems and setbacks are part and parcel of our lives. We must learn to overcome them!

Somewhere in 2010- On the left is a girl who always loved eating junk food, didn’t understand the meaning of NUTRITION, almost always skipped breakfast and ate at odd hours. Although I was always involved in sports activities in school, there came a point in my life when exercise took a huge backseat. I had just graduated from school and was about to begin my journey into college. And like any college going student, I was living it up! (but also working very hard on my assignments and exams, NIFT had a pretty insane curriculum and I was the queen of procastination, FYI). In between all this madness, Maggi was our go to meal, probably drank buckets loads of alcohol every now and then, stress levels were shooting up, either slept too much or too little. I was extremely thin and weak, my weight was anywhere between 44-45 kgs. I always thought as long as I’m thin, there’s absolutely no need to exercise? - - - 2020- On the right is a girl who UNDERSTANDS nutrition, eats 5 meals a day, ensure she gets enough sleep every night (7-8hours), exercises 5-6 times a week, LOVES& RESPECTS her body. This wake up call only and only happened when I started putting on weight (which I have mentioned earlier is when I got diagnosed with hypothyroidism), everything I always took for granted came crashing down. I couldn’t be careless or reckless anymore because I knew that if I don’t take care of my body now, I would suffer later and maybe for the rest of my life and that’s when I decided to make exercise apart of my lifestyle. In all these years I have had many set backs, Iv been lazy, Iv been demotivated, I have given up cause my body just wouldn’t see any significant changes, Iv cursed my body for the way it was turning out to be, Iv wished and hoped my thyroid would magically disappear one day. With time I realised that only consistency, a positive mindset, discipline and determination is what is going to get me through. I have finally reached a stage in my life where quitting is NOT AN OPTION. My weight is anywhere between 54-55 kgs now, I feel strong and healthy 🙏🏻 - - Problems and setbacks are part and parcel of our lives. We must learn to overcome them!


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