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We are not alone in our bodies. Living inside every person are trillions of microorganisms — bacteria, viruses, fungi and other life forms that are collectively known as the microbiome.

To better grasp the part that gut microbes play in health and disease, researchers from around the globe are investigating what makes a ‘good’ gut microbiome.There are, after all, hundreds of distinct bacterial species in the gut — some pathogenic and some beneficial.

And the study of some health-promoting probiotic species is yielding biological insights that might promote drug development.Several diseases are now thought to be influenced by processes in the gut microbiome. Those include cancer, autoimmune disorders such as multiple sclerosis and autism spectrum disorder. The gut microbiome also strongly interacts with certain drugs, including some mental-health therapeutics, and influences their effects.

#antiretroviral #china #wuhan #novel #drug #clinicaltrials #pharmacotherapy #pharmacy #vaccine #safe #efficacy #who #fda #epidemiology #humanity #pharmacist  #uptodate #covid_19 #abbott #roche #thermofisher #biomedomics #cellex #pharmacymemes #pharma #microbiome #microbiology #guthealth #intestines

We are not alone in our bodies. Living inside every person are trillions of microorganisms — bacteria, viruses, fungi and other life forms that are collectively known as the microbiome. To better grasp the part that gut microbes play in health and disease, researchers from around the globe are investigating what makes a ‘good’ gut microbiome.There are, after all, hundreds of distinct bacterial species in the gut — some pathogenic and some beneficial. And the study of some health-promoting probiotic species is yielding biological insights that might promote drug development.Several diseases are now thought to be influenced by processes in the gut microbiome. Those include cancer, autoimmune disorders such as multiple sclerosis and autism spectrum disorder. The gut microbiome also strongly interacts with certain drugs, including some mental-health therapeutics, and influences their effects. #antiretroviral #china #wuhan #novel #drug #clinicaltrials #pharmacotherapy #pharmacy #vaccine #safe #efficacy #who #fda #epidemiology #humanity #pharmacist #uptodate #covid_19 #abbott #roche #thermofisher #biomedomics #cellex #pharmacymemes #pharma #microbiome #microbiology #guthealth #intestines

#antiretroviral #china #wuhan #novel #drug #clinicaltrials #pharmacotherapy #pharmacy #vaccine #safe #efficacy #who #fda #epidemiology #humanity #pharmacist #uptodate #covid_19 #abbott #roche #thermofisher #biomedomics #cellex #pharmacymemes #pharma #microbiome #microbiology #guthealth #intestines

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