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Which would you chose?  Credit  @smurray_32
Let’s talk CARBS! As #athletes have higher energy expenditures than most, carbs act as a main fuel source to help support intense activities. Inadequate carbs can impair strength (Leveritt & Abernethy 1999) however with adequate carbs one can enhance performance & recovery (Haff et al 2000). Also, when in a deficit, adequate carbs (with sufficient #protein) has shown to maintain perormance & almost completely eliminate LBM losses (Mettler et al 2010) thus beneficial for LBM retention on a cut
How much? As PRO & fat are ESSENTIAL #macros (carbs aren’t esseintial for survival), it’s advised that carb requirements are calculated AFTER having assigned these first.  Thus, once PRO & fat are set, fill in the remaining kcals from #carbs . From the literature, those seeking hypertrophy usually require ~43-47kcal/kg (Faber et al  1986, Giada et al 1996) thus, once you calculate how many DAILY kcals you need, subtract the ones you assign to fat & PRO, you can then divide the rest by 4 to get how many g you need/day. Usually this should be between 4–7g/kg depending on your training phase (Slater et al 2011). Timing?
#preworkout : Eating preworkout as opposed to training fasted has shown to improve performance (Moseley et al 2003) thus a preworkout meal supplying ~1-2g carbs/kg can aid in enhancing performance (Kerksick et al 2008)
#postworkout: Though #glycogen replenishment takes place over 24hrs (given sufficient carb intake) (Ivy 1991) when consumed postworkout at ~1-1.5g/kg one can SPEED UP glycogen resynthesis rates vs delaying consumption by 2hrs which attenuates  it by up to 50% (Ivy 1998). However this may only apply to those who train 2x/day to ensure glycogen is high leading into the 2nd session
#carbsatnight don’t get stored as fat (Sofer et al 2011), time of day doesn’t determine weight loss/gain, total kcal intake does (Hall et al 2012) thus if kcals are in order, carbs after dark simply contribute to your daily total
Conclusion: Overall, 4-7g/kg seems best for max performance & recovery. If you can, try to place a good chunk pre & post workout.

Follow @top.fitness_tips Which would you chose? Credit @smurray_32 ➖ Let’s talk CARBS! As #athletes have higher energy expenditures than most, carbs act as a main fuel source to help support intense activities. Inadequate carbs can impair strength (Leveritt & Abernethy 1999) however with adequate carbs one can enhance performance & recovery (Haff et al 2000). Also, when in a deficit, adequate carbs (with sufficient #protein) has shown to maintain perormance & almost completely eliminate LBM losses (Mettler et al 2010) thus beneficial for LBM retention on a cut ➖ How much? As PRO & fat are ESSENTIAL #macros (carbs aren’t esseintial for survival), it’s advised that carb requirements are calculated AFTER having assigned these first. Thus, once PRO & fat are set, fill in the remaining kcals from #carbs . From the literature, those seeking hypertrophy usually require ~43-47kcal/kg (Faber et al 1986, Giada et al 1996) thus, once you calculate how many DAILY kcals you need, subtract the ones you assign to fat & PRO, you can then divide the rest by 4 to get how many g you need/day. Usually this should be between 4–7g/kg depending on your training phase (Slater et al 2011). Timing? ➖ #preworkout : Eating preworkout as opposed to training fasted has shown to improve performance (Moseley et al 2003) thus a preworkout meal supplying ~1-2g carbs/kg can aid in enhancing performance (Kerksick et al 2008) ➖ #postworkout: Though #glycogen replenishment takes place over 24hrs (given sufficient carb intake) (Ivy 1991) when consumed postworkout at ~1-1.5g/kg one can SPEED UP glycogen resynthesis rates vs delaying consumption by 2hrs which attenuates it by up to 50% (Ivy 1998). However this may only apply to those who train 2x/day to ensure glycogen is high leading into the 2nd session ➖ #carbsatnight don’t get stored as fat (Sofer et al 2011), time of day doesn’t determine weight loss/gain, total kcal intake does (Hall et al 2012) thus if kcals are in order, carbs after dark simply contribute to your daily total ➖ Conclusion: Overall, 4-7g/kg seems best for max performance & recovery. If you can, try to place a good chunk pre & post workout.

#athletes #protein #macros #carbs #preworkout #postworkout #glycogen #carbsatnight

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