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Waking up tomorrow, chronicles my struggles against anxiety disorder and depression, it’s a no holds barred account of how I have coped with anxiety related issues over the years and the methods I adopt to continue to move forward day after day. 
I share my analysis on what I perceive to help readers progress more positively with their lives and what I also found does not help and can be counterproductive.

I let the reader into my journey hopefully drawing parallels with their own, offering logical solutions in a world of psychobabble and overload when trying to find some peace from this often crippling disorder

I would describe this book as easy to read and understand moving away from the often wordy narrative of the more tradition self help books that are penned by psychologists and the like.

My ultimate aim for this work is for the reader to understand that there is a very simple solution hiding in a very complex issue, and it’s the peruser job to with my help to uncover this, own it and make it there own.

Thank you for following our account, your support is greatly appreciated. Waking up tomorrow, chronicles my struggles against anxiety disorder and depression, it’s a no holds barred account of how I have coped with anxiety related issues over the years and the methods I adopt to continue to move forward day after day. I share my analysis on what I perceive to help readers progress more positively with their lives and what I also found does not help and can be counterproductive. I let the reader into my journey hopefully drawing parallels with their own, offering logical solutions in a world of psychobabble and overload when trying to find some peace from this often crippling disorder I would describe this book as easy to read and understand moving away from the often wordy narrative of the more tradition self help books that are penned by psychologists and the like. My ultimate aim for this work is for the reader to understand that there is a very simple solution hiding in a very complex issue, and it’s the peruser job to with my help to uncover this, own it and make it there own.


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