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We had PIC line problems today causing a purple leg. Sugars were all over the place even with a higher dextrose drip, thanks to hyperinsulinism.

#hypoplasticrightheart #chd #chdawareness #support #chdwarrior #craniofacial #differentlook #raredisease #heartbeat #chdmama #mommy #momof4 #medicallycomplex #perfect #tricuspidatresia #hrhs #frontonasaldysplasia #thankful #life #sheisloved #sugarbaby #hyperinsulinism

We had PIC line problems today causing a purple leg. Sugars were all over the place even with a higher dextrose drip, thanks to hyperinsulinism. #hypoplasticrightheart #chd #chdawareness #support #chdwarrior #craniofacial #differentlook #raredisease #heartbeat #chdmama #mommy #momof4 #medicallycomplex #perfect #tricuspidatresia #hrhs #frontonasaldysplasia #thankful #life #sheisloved #sugarbaby #hyperinsulinism

#hypoplasticrightheart #chd #chdawareness #support #chdwarrior #craniofacial #differentlook #raredisease #heartbeat #chdmama #mommy #momof4 #medicallycomplex #perfect #tricuspidatresia #hrhs #frontonasaldysplasia #thankful #life #sheisloved #sugarbaby #hyperinsulinism

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