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Down the #rabbit #hole #you #go⁣
For secret Treasures & pieces of your soul~⁣
How badly do you want the things of your desire?⁣
Are you willing to stand in the fire?⁣
How badly do you want it?⁣
Can you Devote? ⁣
Can you Sacrifice?⁣
Can you cut the wound open more and more⚔️⁣
BLEED for all the things you adore? ⁣
Will you BITE the cookie, unlock the door 🗝⁣
Drink the potions and still Crave more?⁣
Will you crawl on your knees, bowing to show your worthy? or will you run back petrified of all the feasibility.⁣
Will you die again and again ⁣
Exposing yourself at every brim?⁣
Or hide underneath the covers until the alarm goes off~~ ⁣
Can you handle the stamina that it takes? Once you begin, you lose the breaks.......⁣
Fast falling into the unknown......⁣
Risky ⁣
Terrifying & ⁣
Liberating ⁣
You ⁣
Must ⁣
Feel ~~~~⁣
Forever XX,⁣

Down the #rabbit #hole #you #go⁣ For secret Treasures & pieces of your soul~⁣ ⁣ How badly do you want the things of your desire?⁣ Are you willing to stand in the fire?⁣ ⁣ How badly do you want it?⁣ Can you Devote? ⁣ Can you Sacrifice?⁣ ⁣ Can you cut the wound open more and more⚔️⁣ ⁣ BLEED for all the things you adore? ⁣ ⁣ Will you BITE the cookie, unlock the door 🗝⁣ Drink the potions and still Crave more?⁣ ⁣ Will you crawl on your knees, bowing to show your worthy? or will you run back petrified of all the feasibility.⁣ ⁣ Will you die again and again ⁣ Exposing yourself at every brim?⁣ Or hide underneath the covers until the alarm goes off~~ ⁣ ⁣ Can you handle the stamina that it takes? Once you begin, you lose the breaks.......⁣ ⁣ Fast falling into the unknown......⁣ Risky ⁣ Alarming⁣ Terrifying & ⁣ Liberating ⁣ You ⁣ Must ⁣ Feel ~~~~⁣ ⁣ Forever XX,⁣ T⚜️

#rabbit #hole #you #go

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