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🍤 What’s for lunch?!? 🍲
Teriyaki Shrimp Stir Fry!! This is a tasty, low-point option (and it can all be bought from @AldiUSA!!)
• Sauté some red onion and green peppers and add in the edamame after preparing it according to the package.
• Add in the shrimp and about 2/3 of the teriyaki sauce.  Let it simmer until the shrimp is cooked through.
• Serve over your choice of rice!
It is so easy and can be customized so many different ways!
P.S. Have I told you about my favorite little sweet treat?!? @werthersoriginalus are only 1SP for 1 piece!  They last long enough to make it seem much more indulgent than that! đź’ś
#WhatsForLunch #MealIdeas #WWMealIdeas #LowPointLunch #LunchInspo #Aldi #AldiFan #AldiFinds #MakeYourOwnRecipe #Teriyaki #Shrimp #Peppers #Onion #Edamame #Rice #Brown #And #White #Candy #Caramel #Treat #BeCreative #Goals #GetFit #DontQuit #ThatsIt

🍤 What’s for lunch?!? 🍲 Teriyaki Shrimp Stir Fry!! This is a tasty, low-point option (and it can all be bought from @AldiUSA!!) • Sauté some red onion and green peppers and add in the edamame after preparing it according to the package. • Add in the shrimp and about 2/3 of the teriyaki sauce. Let it simmer until the shrimp is cooked through. • Serve over your choice of rice! It is so easy and can be customized so many different ways! P.S. Have I told you about my favorite little sweet treat?!? @werthersoriginalus are only 1SP for 1 piece! They last long enough to make it seem much more indulgent than that! 💜 ~ ~ #WhatsForLunch #MealIdeas #WWMealIdeas #LowPointLunch #LunchInspo #Aldi #AldiFan #AldiFinds #MakeYourOwnRecipe #Teriyaki #Shrimp #Peppers #Onion #Edamame #Rice #Brown #And #White #Candy #Caramel #Treat #BeCreative #Goals #GetFit #DontQuit #ThatsIt

#WhatsForLunch #MealIdeas #WWMealIdeas #LowPointLunch #LunchInspo #Aldi #AldiFan #AldiFinds #MakeYourOwnRecipe #Teriyaki #Shrimp #Peppers #Onion #Edamame #Rice #Brown #And #White #Candy #Caramel #Treat #BeCreative #Goals #GetFit #DontQuit #ThatsIt

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