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There’s a big gap in the photos I share of my twins in NICU and now.  The ones I rarely share are pictures of my girls before they turned one. 
This is because it was period of time where I was at my saddest, when they were babies. 
Although I have written all about it in my book, I still struggle looking back at images of them.  Also, seeing myself in these photos reminds me of how low I felt
I was not happy in this video, it was an extremely difficult time and I barely wanted any photos taken of myself with the girls for others to see
Throughout my recovery I continue to learn how to blend my pregnancy, time in NICU, and the first 12-18 months at home.  Looking at old photos is (slowly) helping me deal with the trauma, rather than suppress what might catch up with me later
Today, I look forward to sharing more baby photos of Adrian and Evie, even if I have a knot in my stomach as I do 🤷🏻‍♀️😊 I feel like I missed out on that special time of sharing myself as a new mum.  But it’s never too late
#sharinghelpshealing #timeheals #bekindtoyourself #trauma #pnd #anxiety #ptsd #mentalhealthmatters #mothersandfathers #newborns  #prematurebabies #sicknewborns #30weeks1day #memoir #comingsoon #author #diananicholls

There’s a big gap in the photos I share of my twins in NICU and now. The ones I rarely share are pictures of my girls before they turned one. This is because it was period of time where I was at my saddest, when they were babies. Although I have written all about it in my book, I still struggle looking back at images of them. Also, seeing myself in these photos reminds me of how low I felt . I was not happy in this video, it was an extremely difficult time and I barely wanted any photos taken of myself with the girls for others to see . Throughout my recovery I continue to learn how to blend my pregnancy, time in NICU, and the first 12-18 months at home. Looking at old photos is (slowly) helping me deal with the trauma, rather than suppress what might catch up with me later . Today, I look forward to sharing more baby photos of Adrian and Evie, even if I have a knot in my stomach as I do 🤷🏻‍♀️😊 I feel like I missed out on that special time of sharing myself as a new mum. But it’s never too late . . . #sharinghelpshealing #timeheals #bekindtoyourself #trauma #pnd #anxiety #ptsd #mentalhealthmatters #mothersandfathers #newborns #prematurebabies #sicknewborns #30weeks1day #memoir #comingsoon #author #diananicholls

#sharinghelpshealing #timeheals #bekindtoyourself #trauma #pnd #anxiety #ptsd #mentalhealthmatters #mothersandfathers #newborns #prematurebabies #sicknewborns #30weeks1day #memoir #comingsoon #author #diananicholls

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