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Hey Hey Hey SMART 1s!

Remember our magical wishing box? Well, we are pleased to inform that our Santa already picked one lucky wish to be granted! Ho Ho Ho 🎅🏻 Congratulations to SONIA PUDAI ANAK BILON 🎁🎊💐 Your wish will come true with the magic of Christmas.

Many thanks to those who joined and may your wish will come true either way 😉 Stay tuned for more fun activities from Smart College in the future.


Hey Hey Hey SMART 1s! Remember our magical wishing box? Well, we are pleased to inform that our Santa already picked one lucky wish to be granted! Ho Ho Ho 🎅🏻 Congratulations to SONIA PUDAI ANAK BILON 🎁🎊💐 Your wish will come true with the magic of Christmas. Many thanks to those who joined and may your wish will come true either way 😉 Stay tuned for more fun activities from Smart College in the future. #merrychristmas #christmas #smart1 #smartcollege #college #santaclaus