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πŸ“Lake Ontario 
#merrychristmas πŸŽ„ β€˜Tis the season to wish one another joy, love and peace. Merry Christmas.πŸŽ„ -
To all the people who are dear to me, I wish all of you nothing but the joy and happiness that this Christmas brings!

Here’s to a wonderful Holiday season and a Happy New Year!πŸŽ† -
#tistheseason #christmastree #lifeonthewater #lakefrontliving #lakefronthomes #christmastime #familychristmaspictures #christmasmorning

πŸ“Lake Ontario #merrychristmas πŸŽ„ β€˜Tis the season to wish one another joy, love and peace. Merry Christmas.πŸŽ„ - To all the people who are dear to me, I wish all of you nothing but the joy and happiness that this Christmas brings! πŸŽ„ Here’s to a wonderful Holiday season and a Happy New Year!πŸŽ† - πŸŽ„ #tistheseason #christmastree #lifeonthewater #lakefrontliving #lakefronthomes #christmastime #familychristmaspictures #christmasmorning

#merrychristmas #tistheseason #christmastree #lifeonthewater #lakefrontliving #lakefronthomes #christmastime #familychristmaspictures #christmasmorning

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