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I love the holiday season ❤️ even when life isn’t perfect. 
It’s  a high-vibe ⚡️ time of the year when emotions intensify.  The world is adorned celebrating love, family, and friends. It can be magical ✨ when life is going right. It can also bring on deep sadness if you’re alone or going through challenging times. 
I’ve felt both. In years when life wasn’t quite right, I got through it by willing myself to be happy. Being in the moment and getting creative to keep busy. 
Find your joy no matter what. Reflect on all your blessings and all that you are grateful for. If you’re going through hard times, plan a new strategy to change your future. Get rid of what’s holding you back. Force yourself to get out there and socialize. Religious or not, go to church, Midnight Mass, temple, or your house of faith to be part of a celebration of life and to be with other people. Listen to the choir and feel the hope and joy. 
Remember we’re the lucky ones to be alive on this beautiful earth. Happy Holidays! 👱🏻‍♀️🙏🏻🎉

I love the holiday season ❤️ even when life isn’t perfect. It’s a high-vibe ⚡️ time of the year when emotions intensify. The world is adorned celebrating love, family, and friends. It can be magical ✨ when life is going right. It can also bring on deep sadness if you’re alone or going through challenging times. I’ve felt both. In years when life wasn’t quite right, I got through it by willing myself to be happy. Being in the moment and getting creative to keep busy. Find your joy no matter what. Reflect on all your blessings and all that you are grateful for. If you’re going through hard times, plan a new strategy to change your future. Get rid of what’s holding you back. Force yourself to get out there and socialize. Religious or not, go to church, Midnight Mass, temple, or your house of faith to be part of a celebration of life and to be with other people. Listen to the choir and feel the hope and joy. Remember we’re the lucky ones to be alive on this beautiful earth. Happy Holidays! 👱🏻‍♀️🙏🏻🎉


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