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a teacher saw that i was wearing an mcr shirt and he said ‘did you hear that they got back together? i hope they do a tour’ sksksk
#danisnotonfire #amazingphil #danhowell #phillester #danandphilgames #phandom #phan #youtube #danisnotonfireandamazingphil #danisnotinteresting #lessamazingphil #phantrash #philtrashnumber1 #hearteyeshowell #loveeyeslester

a teacher saw that i was wearing an mcr shirt and he said ‘did you hear that they got back together? i hope they do a tour’ sksksk _______________________________
#danisnotonfire #amazingphil #danhowell #phillester #danandphilgames #phandom #phan #youtube #danisnotonfireandamazingphil #danisnotinteresting #lessamazingphil #phantrash #philtrashnumber1 #hearteyeshowell #loveeyeslester

#danisnotonfire #amazingphil #danhowell #phillester #danandphilgames #phandom #phan #youtube #danisnotonfireandamazingphil #danisnotinteresting #lessamazingphil #phantrash #philtrashnumber1 #hearteyeshowell #loveeyeslester

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