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Every week day I wake up at 5:30. I walk my dog, then hit the gym, have a nice breakfast and then I’m off to my temporary job. For 8.5 hours I am stuck at my temp job before going home to see clients and do other work for my business. While I’m at my temp job I see my colleagues hanging out and talking while I go to my car and work in my business. After I put in those long hours I still go and see my clients in my private practice.  On Sundays I sleep in until 7 and go for a nice hike for a couple hours before seeing clients. Saturday or shabbat is my only day off right now. The time when I reconnect with myself, my community and G-d! This is a tight but temporary schedule. I do my temp job because I had to start over after my life in Israel effectively crashed and burned. I’m exhausted all the time but I love my business and know that it is part of my dream life. So I do this hustle with that vision in mind. 
You see life is about choices. We make them every single moment of every single day. We don’t always know how things will turn out when we make certain choices but thats the risk we take in this journey of life. I used to feel such intense shame and sadness when I thought or talked about my 3 years in Israel and having to make the choice to move back. I miss my life there and my friends there. I moved back to a state and a country where I was born but that doesn’t feel like home-it’s changed so much. So I’m just taking things one step at a time. Moment by moment while trying to let go of the harsh critic and judgment of myself. I share this in hopes that it inspires you to look non-judgmentally at your own life and the choices you’ve made that have gotten you to where you are. To let go of some regrets and old wounds and to focus on the brightness of the future. 💜🌈🌝💜 #morningroutines #temporary #tempjobs #work #hustle #9-5 #business #Israel #USA #california #french #hebrew #pimselur #nonjudemental #innercritic #chouces #journey #life #focus #Alexa #shame #letgoofshame #sadness #vision #healthybodyhealthymind #survivorsguidetolife

Every week day I wake up at 5:30. I walk my dog, then hit the gym, have a nice breakfast and then I’m off to my temporary job. For 8.5 hours I am stuck at my temp job before going home to see clients and do other work for my business. While I’m at my temp job I see my colleagues hanging out and talking while I go to my car and work in my business. After I put in those long hours I still go and see my clients in my private practice. On Sundays I sleep in until 7 and go for a nice hike for a couple hours before seeing clients. Saturday or shabbat is my only day off right now. The time when I reconnect with myself, my community and G-d! This is a tight but temporary schedule. I do my temp job because I had to start over after my life in Israel effectively crashed and burned. I’m exhausted all the time but I love my business and know that it is part of my dream life. So I do this hustle with that vision in mind. You see life is about choices. We make them every single moment of every single day. We don’t always know how things will turn out when we make certain choices but thats the risk we take in this journey of life. I used to feel such intense shame and sadness when I thought or talked about my 3 years in Israel and having to make the choice to move back. I miss my life there and my friends there. I moved back to a state and a country where I was born but that doesn’t feel like home-it’s changed so much. So I’m just taking things one step at a time. Moment by moment while trying to let go of the harsh critic and judgment of myself. I share this in hopes that it inspires you to look non-judgmentally at your own life and the choices you’ve made that have gotten you to where you are. To let go of some regrets and old wounds and to focus on the brightness of the future. 💜🌈🌝💜 #morningroutines #temporary #tempjobs #work #hustle #9-5 #business #Israel #USA #california #french #hebrew #pimselur #nonjudemental #innercritic #chouces #journey #life #focus #Alexa #shame #letgoofshame #sadness #vision #healthybodyhealthymind #survivorsguidetolife

#morningroutines #temporary #tempjobs #work #hustle #9 #business #Israel #USA #california #french #hebrew #pimselur #nonjudemental #innercritic #chouces #journey #life #focus #Alexa #shame #letgoofshame #sadness #vision #healthybodyhealthymind #survivorsguidetolife

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