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We are harvesting our dreams after years of dedication and hard work. We’ve been able to save up money, even though we’ve been having low income as we’ve been building our business from nothing. We have been mindful of how we spend our money. Never gone on holidays, no shopping sprees, and always cooking at home instead of eating out. We have truly embraced simple, slow and minimalist lifestyle, slowly manifesting and now finally harvesting. Our amazing team in Nicecream supports us wholeheartedly, and we will do our work remotely from our new home in Spain. Now with our fourth store opening soon, my partner has literally breathed his whole life into his work. I’m so proud of us baby. What a lesson this journey has been. ✨🐉

We are harvesting our dreams after years of dedication and hard work. We’ve been able to save up money, even though we’ve been having low income as we’ve been building our business from nothing. We have been mindful of how we spend our money. Never gone on holidays, no shopping sprees, and always cooking at home instead of eating out. We have truly embraced simple, slow and minimalist lifestyle, slowly manifesting and now finally harvesting. Our amazing team in Nicecream supports us wholeheartedly, and we will do our work remotely from our new home in Spain. Now with our fourth store opening soon, my partner has literally breathed his whole life into his work. I’m so proud of us baby. What a lesson this journey has been. ✨🐉


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