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Pepper her eyes were closed and got infection from the mosquito 🦟 
I really scared she will blind or die today:(( wait for the doctor coming that one hour i really cant leave her..Fortunately the doctor save my Pepper this morning, gave her first treatment, now after 4hours, her eyes are both opened although not fully healed yet😭 at least she can see her foods,friends and walk again, and now have to do 2weeks treatment for my 6 chickens 🐓, pills and creams twice per day, i know you all hate it...but i will stay with you all🥺🐥please all heal together 🥺 and i hope all the other chickens are healthy enough too🐓😭 #pepper #getwellsoon #iloveu #hen #silkie #staystrong #chicken #lovechicken #heal

Pepper her eyes were closed and got infection from the mosquito 🦟 I really scared she will blind or die today:(( wait for the doctor coming that one hour i really cant leave her..Fortunately the doctor save my Pepper this morning, gave her first treatment, now after 4hours, her eyes are both opened although not fully healed yet😭 at least she can see her foods,friends and walk again, and now have to do 2weeks treatment for my 6 chickens 🐓, pills and creams twice per day, i know you all hate it...but i will stay with you all🥺🐥please all heal together 🥺 and i hope all the other chickens are healthy enough too🐓😭 #pepper #getwellsoon #iloveu #hen #silkie #staystrong #chicken #lovechicken #heal

#pepper #getwellsoon #iloveu #hen #silkie #staystrong #chicken #lovechicken #heal

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