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Surya (Sun) is the first source of prana(energy). When we consciously connect to Surya through breath and awareness it feeds our cellular level. 
Yet many people are taught that the sun will harm us & it will give us cancer.
However you perceive it ( what ever you are looking at) is how you will receive it. 
My belief is Surya (the sun) heals,feeds,nourishes, illuminates and warms me.
I have a few friends in India who do not eat because they received their energy from the sun alone.
what is your relationship to the 🌞?
#surya #sun #prana #lifeforce #anotherbeautifulday #peaceandlove #sungod #gratitude

Surya (Sun) is the first source of prana(energy). When we consciously connect to Surya through breath and awareness it feeds our cellular level. Yet many people are taught that the sun will harm us & it will give us cancer. However you perceive it ( what ever you are looking at) is how you will receive it. My belief is Surya (the sun) heals,feeds,nourishes, illuminates and warms me. I have a few friends in India who do not eat because they received their energy from the sun alone. what is your relationship to the 🌞? #surya #sun #prana #lifeforce #anotherbeautifulday #peaceandlove #sungod #gratitude

#surya #sun #prana #lifeforce #anotherbeautifulday #peaceandlove #sungod #gratitude

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