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So the #accioblackout challenge ended yesterday but my video just loaded now 😣 I think I have to redownload insta cuz everything is slow af rn... anyways I wanted to do more but I was sick this week so wrappin it all up. Thanks for the challenge @accio_hoop got me sharing again and I’m happy about that. Okay boxes checked for this one... ☀️sunshine flow
☀️grass beneath your feet
☀️funkiest flow
☀️flow from the soul
☀️favorite form of self expression 

So the #accioblackout challenge ended yesterday but my video just loaded now 😣 I think I have to redownload insta cuz everything is slow af rn... anyways I wanted to do more but I was sick this week so wrappin it all up. Thanks for the challenge @accio_hoop got me sharing again and I’m happy about that. Okay boxes checked for this one... ☀️sunshine flow ☀️grass beneath your feet ☀️funkiest flow ☀️flow from the soul ☀️favorite form of self expression #flowarts#doublewand#doubleflowwand#doubleleviwand

#accioblackout #flowarts #doublewand #doubleflowwand #doubleleviwand

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