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Showing up for your people 🤙🏽
Thank you @higamonster for coming in to work on some technique. Dialed some things back to uncover any weaknesses. Making a weakness a strength takes time, patience, and consistency. .
I don’t think of my weaknesses as something that will inhibit my ability to do the event. I think of my weaknesses as OPPORTUNITY. Opportunity to get better, more refined, and dialed in. It’s a mindset - you have to train and work on that like a muscle. .
Video 1: hitting a solid 175# with good technique 
Video 2-4: x3 misses at 185# 
Video 5: A movement I’ll add after log work in to workin that “punch” in the overhead
#odenstrong #strongwoman #strength #weightlifting #powerlifting #girlswholift #motivation #MANIMAL #TrainHard #grit #trainhostle #LiftHeavy #StandApart #theprocess #drive #likeagirl #passion #PowerAthlete #BeStrong #hybridAF #thegrind #gymrat #shutupandtrain #athiaskin #roadtonationals #12weeksout .
@getnewage @animalpak @manimalstrong

Showing up for your people 🤙🏽 .. Thank you @higamonster for coming in to work on some technique. Dialed some things back to uncover any weaknesses. Making a weakness a strength takes time, patience, and consistency. . . I don’t think of my weaknesses as something that will inhibit my ability to do the event. I think of my weaknesses as OPPORTUNITY. Opportunity to get better, more refined, and dialed in. It’s a mindset - you have to train and work on that like a muscle. . . Video 1: hitting a solid 175# with good technique Video 2-4: x3 misses at 185# Video 5: A movement I’ll add after log work in to workin that “punch” in the overhead ••• #odenstrong #strongwoman #strength #weightlifting #powerlifting #girlswholift #motivation #MANIMAL #TrainHard #grit #trainhostle #LiftHeavy #StandApart #theprocess #drive #likeagirl #passion #PowerAthlete #BeStrong #hybridAF #thegrind #gymrat #shutupandtrain #athiaskin #roadtonationals #12weeksout . @getnewage @animalpak @manimalstrong

#odenstrong #strongwoman #strength #weightlifting #powerlifting #girlswholift #motivation #MANIMAL #TrainHard #grit #trainhostle #LiftHeavy #StandApart #theprocess #drive #likeagirl #passion #PowerAthlete #BeStrong #hybridAF #thegrind #gymrat #shutupandtrain #athiaskin #roadtonationals #12weeksout

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