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Developing a habit can be hard. While the logical side of your mind knows you should stick to a workout regimen to see results, the emotional side convinces you that skipping one more day won’t hurt anything. 
If you feel this tug-of-war often, it may not be an issue of motivation or laziness at all. It may just be the way your brain has been wired over the years.

Luckily, even though it takes some effort, you can actually rewire those circuits in your brain that convince you to skip workouts or slack off.

One way to do this is through meditation, which has been shown to have lasting structural changes in your brain and the way you think.

Developing a habit can be hard. While the logical side of your mind knows you should stick to a workout regimen to see results, the emotional side convinces you that skipping one more day won’t hurt anything. If you feel this tug-of-war often, it may not be an issue of motivation or laziness at all. It may just be the way your brain has been wired over the years. Luckily, even though it takes some effort, you can actually rewire those circuits in your brain that convince you to skip workouts or slack off. One way to do this is through meditation, which has been shown to have lasting structural changes in your brain and the way you think.


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