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Who am I?  Well, I’m Kris and I am working on figuring out who I really am these days other than a full time working, studying, single mumma of two.  This journey is not only about getting healthier, fitter and losing weight.  It’s also about finding myself and my happy; filling my own cup and becoming healthier mentally, spiritually, and owning the me I want to be. x #thebodrestart #thebod #journey #health #mentalhealth #anxietywarrior #fitness #restart #findingKris

Who am I? Well, I’m Kris and I am working on figuring out who I really am these days other than a full time working, studying, single mumma of two. This journey is not only about getting healthier, fitter and losing weight. It’s also about finding myself and my happy; filling my own cup and becoming healthier mentally, spiritually, and owning the me I want to be. x #thebodrestart #thebod #journey #health #mentalhealth #anxietywarrior #fitness #restart #findingKris

#thebodrestart #thebod #journey #health #mentalhealth #anxietywarrior #fitness #restart #findingKris

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