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Who knew there was a day dedicated to appreciating bats?! Well today is that day! 🤣 If your home is ever affected by a bat infestation...or your business 😉#dundermifflin ➡️➡️➡️. SERVPRO can take care of all the stuff they leave behind.  Even though they eat their weight in bugs, we don’t want them in your house! 🚫🏡🦇 #nationalbatappreciationday .
#SERVPRO #servproprovo  #heretohelp #utahcounty #likeitneverevenhappened #biohazard

Who knew there was a day dedicated to appreciating bats?! Well today is that day! 🤣 If your home is ever affected by a bat infestation...or your business 😉#dundermifflin ➡️➡️➡️. SERVPRO can take care of all the stuff they leave behind. Even though they eat their weight in bugs, we don’t want them in your house! 🚫🏡🦇 #nationalbatappreciationday . . . #SERVPRO #servproprovo #heretohelp #utahcounty #likeitneverevenhappened #biohazard

#dundermifflin #nationalbatappreciationday #SERVPRO #servproprovo #heretohelp #utahcounty #likeitneverevenhappened #biohazard

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