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ooey gooey crumbly mo*st hot mess german chocolate cake šŸ™ƒ
Todayā€™s baking fail brought to you by yours truly! This is a perfect example of why recipes exist and why it is crucial to follow them exactly! I started off short by 1 egg for my cake and I thought to myself ā€œOkay no big deal, Iā€™ll just substitute 1/4 cup vegetable oil instead, itā€™ll be fine!ā€ WRONG! Then I got to my frosting recipe and noticed not only did I have no egg yolks, (a quick store run was made because you just canā€™t skip this ingredient in this particular recipe) but I also only had a single can of condensed milk (14 oz worth) when the recipe called for 16 oz, and I only had half the amount of pecans the recipe required. Once again I thought to myself ā€œOkay, 2 oz isnā€™t THAT significant, Iā€™ll just eyeball the measurements on every other ingredient making them all slightly less than called for in order to make up for it, šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø itā€™ll be fine! After all, this cake is just for me to eat itā€™s not going anywhere special.ā€ WRONG AGAIN! The cake was moist, yet super fragile and crumbly at the same time, and my frosting wasnā€™t as thick as it shouldā€™ve been. šŸ˜©šŸ˜­ The overall flavor was really good, but visually speaking it most definitely couldā€™ve been better! Long story short, thereā€™s are two things to take away on this PSA. 1) Donā€™t stray from the recipe, as it serves a purpose and is there for a reason, and 2) always always ALWAYS mise en place before getting started! #ooey #gooey #ooeygooey #crumbly #moist #hotmess #germanchocolate #cake #bake #fail #bakingfail #recipesarethereforareason #psa #miseenplace #wordsofwisdom #citrusandsalt #citrusandsaltbakeshop

ooey gooey crumbly mo*st hot mess german chocolate cake šŸ™ƒ ā€¢ ā€¢ ā€¢ Todayā€™s baking fail brought to you by yours truly! This is a perfect example of why recipes exist and why it is crucial to follow them exactly! I started off short by 1 egg for my cake and I thought to myself ā€œOkay no big deal, Iā€™ll just substitute 1/4 cup vegetable oil instead, itā€™ll be fine!ā€ WRONG! Then I got to my frosting recipe and noticed not only did I have no egg yolks, (a quick store run was made because you just canā€™t skip this ingredient in this particular recipe) but I also only had a single can of condensed milk (14 oz worth) when the recipe called for 16 oz, and I only had half the amount of pecans the recipe required. Once again I thought to myself ā€œOkay, 2 oz isnā€™t THAT significant, Iā€™ll just eyeball the measurements on every other ingredient making them all slightly less than called for in order to make up for it, šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø itā€™ll be fine! After all, this cake is just for me to eat itā€™s not going anywhere special.ā€ WRONG AGAIN! The cake was moist, yet super fragile and crumbly at the same time, and my frosting wasnā€™t as thick as it shouldā€™ve been. šŸ˜©šŸ˜­ The overall flavor was really good, but visually speaking it most definitely couldā€™ve been better! Long story short, thereā€™s are two things to take away on this PSA. 1) Donā€™t stray from the recipe, as it serves a purpose and is there for a reason, and 2) always always ALWAYS mise en place before getting started! #ooey #gooey #ooeygooey #crumbly #moist #hotmess #germanchocolate #cake #bake #fail #bakingfail #recipesarethereforareason #psa #miseenplace #wordsofwisdom #citrusandsalt #citrusandsaltbakeshop

#ooey #gooey #ooeygooey #crumbly #moist #hotmess #germanchocolate #cake #bake #fail #bakingfail #recipesarethereforareason #psa #miseenplace #wordsofwisdom #citrusandsalt #citrusandsaltbakeshop

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