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Happy International Women’s day.
Today we celebrate #balanceforbetter

Today is important, it’s Sacred. Why?? 👇🏼 If I could show other women how to lead from softness and connection would I?

If I could take responsibility for all the men out there who have never been shown the truth of the feminine would I show them?

I can see the misconceptions of the feminine and I take responsibility that I contributed to that at some time by not showing full love, suppressing my emotions, shying away rather than showing compassion.

It is then up to me to also show what the truth of the feminine is. Her grace, her love, her power.

Every woman needs to take responsibility of how WE have personally taught men and women about the feminine. Through our emotions, our actions, our words, our boundaries, we have taught others what they now know about the feminine.

If anything is to change we must lead the change.
We weren’t wrong, but now we know better.
When we yelled and reacted simply to protect our heart from feeling hurt instead of leaning in with Divine compassion.
When we projected and blamed instead of taking ownership that we were afraid of being judged.

How women are seen in the world is up to us. If we continue to wear these masks, continue to project and hide behind the walls of protection and not show our true authentic self how will the feminine in men and women ever change.

The Sacred feminine energy, Shakti, is the essence of all that is in this world. In each of us, it is the creative power to be here, to connect, feel and create. It is everything.

If you would like men to see women as strong in their softness, as unconditional loving, as fierce strength of heart, as powerful beyond measure to create for the good of all, as joy, laughter, peace, intuition, wise, caring, nurturing, leading from the heart, connected to their body wisdom, connected to their womb then it is up to YOU and ME to show them what that looks like pouring from our heart.

Every action we make is teaching someone.

Today open your heart to share the feminine you want the world to see. I am honoured to have dedicated my life to this.

Happy International Women’s day. Today we celebrate #balanceforbetter Today is important, it’s Sacred. Why?? 👇🏼 If I could show other women how to lead from softness and connection would I? If I could take responsibility for all the men out there who have never been shown the truth of the feminine would I show them? I can see the misconceptions of the feminine and I take responsibility that I contributed to that at some time by not showing full love, suppressing my emotions, shying away rather than showing compassion. It is then up to me to also show what the truth of the feminine is. Her grace, her love, her power. Every woman needs to take responsibility of how WE have personally taught men and women about the feminine. Through our emotions, our actions, our words, our boundaries, we have taught others what they now know about the feminine. If anything is to change we must lead the change. We weren’t wrong, but now we know better. When we yelled and reacted simply to protect our heart from feeling hurt instead of leaning in with Divine compassion. When we projected and blamed instead of taking ownership that we were afraid of being judged. How women are seen in the world is up to us. If we continue to wear these masks, continue to project and hide behind the walls of protection and not show our true authentic self how will the feminine in men and women ever change. The Sacred feminine energy, Shakti, is the essence of all that is in this world. In each of us, it is the creative power to be here, to connect, feel and create. It is everything. If you would like men to see women as strong in their softness, as unconditional loving, as fierce strength of heart, as powerful beyond measure to create for the good of all, as joy, laughter, peace, intuition, wise, caring, nurturing, leading from the heart, connected to their body wisdom, connected to their womb then it is up to YOU and ME to show them what that looks like pouring from our heart. Every action we make is teaching someone. Today open your heart to share the feminine you want the world to see. I am honoured to have dedicated my life to this.


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