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Hey guess what? Heres PART 3 of the “Old Photos of Solan” Series!! Except this one just stars Nolan, say, at a haunted location 🥳 My favorite part is the crease in the middle like its been folded up for years nehehe so happy to be editing again!! i hope you all like it!!! 💛 ~ 
#thehauntingofsunshinegirl #hauntedsunshine #sunshinegirl #nolan #teamsolan #teamnolan #sunshiners  #haunting #vlog #solan #hauntedhouse #paranormalactivity #ghosts #investigation #paranormal #hsg #paigemckenzie #ghostgirl

Hey guess what? Heres PART 3 of the “Old Photos of Solan” Series!! Except this one just stars Nolan, say, at a haunted location 🥳 My favorite part is the crease in the middle like its been folded up for years nehehe so happy to be editing again!! i hope you all like it!!! 💛 ~ #thehauntingofsunshinegirl #hauntedsunshine #sunshinegirl #nolan #teamsolan #teamnolan #sunshiners #haunting #vlog #solan #hauntedhouse #paranormalactivity #ghosts #investigation #paranormal #hsg #paigemckenzie #ghostgirl