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πŸŠπŸ‹πŸ“πŸ₯‘πŸŒΆπŸ πŸ₯”πŸ₯¬πŸ₯πŸ…πŸ₯•πŸ₯¦It’s Friday - so it’s time to share our grocery haul. This week I feel like we bought a lot of packaged stuff. First two photos are all recyclables and compostables and the last one are the dirty FIVE plastic products that sneaked in, because I just can’t  find any kale that’s not wrapped in plastic in South Melbourne. I feel I should take the way to a bulk food store to get our weekly spaghettis and only bake bread from now on, even I barely have time to prep my food right now, but buying freshly baked bread is too expensive for us 😩 anyone tips for baking cheap but tasty zero waste bread? xx 
P.s don’t get scared Isaac sneaked himself into my second photo πŸ˜πŸ˜‚

πŸŠπŸ‹πŸ“πŸ₯‘πŸŒΆπŸ πŸ₯”πŸ₯¬πŸ₯πŸ…πŸ₯•πŸ₯¦It’s Friday - so it’s time to share our grocery haul. This week I feel like we bought a lot of packaged stuff. First two photos are all recyclables and compostables and the last one are the dirty FIVE plastic products that sneaked in, because I just can’t find any kale that’s not wrapped in plastic in South Melbourne. I feel I should take the way to a bulk food store to get our weekly spaghettis and only bake bread from now on, even I barely have time to prep my food right now, but buying freshly baked bread is too expensive for us 😩 anyone tips for baking cheap but tasty zero waste bread? xx P.s don’t get scared Isaac sneaked himself into my second photo πŸ˜πŸ˜‚


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