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The most exhausting is often not the distance of the road, but the depression in your heart; the most frustrating is not the rough future, but the loss of your self-confidence; the most painful is often not the misfortune of life, but the collapse of your hope; the most desperate is often not the blow of frustration, but the death of your heart; so we should look at everything lightly, relax a little. Everything, It will gradually get better.

#写真 #投稿 #语录 #文章 #故事 #感悟 #人生 #感动 #珍惜 #放下 #力量 #文字 #图片 #照片#希望
#shooting #image #story #enlightenment #quotes #life #change #writing #strength #peace #heart #love #words

最使人疲惫的往往不是道路的遥远,而是你心中的郁闷;最使人颓废的往往不是前途的坎坷,而是你自信的丧失;最使人痛苦的往往不是生活的不幸,而是你希望的破灭;最使人绝望的往往不是挫折的打击,而是你心灵的死亡;所以我们凡事要看淡些,心放开一点,一切都会慢慢变好的。 The most exhausting is often not the distance of the road, but the depression in your heart; the most frustrating is not the rough future, but the loss of your self-confidence; the most painful is often not the misfortune of life, but the collapse of your hope; the most desperate is often not the blow of frustration, but the death of your heart; so we should look at everything lightly, relax a little. Everything, It will gradually get better. #写真 #投稿 #语录 #文章 #故事 #感悟 #人生 #感动 #珍惜 #放下 #力量 #文字 #图片 #照片#希望 #shooting #image #story #enlightenment #quotes #life #change #writing #strength #peace #heart #love #words

#shooting #image #story #enlightenment #quotes #life #change #writing #strength #peace #heart #love #words

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