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Zordon’s / Jason’s Weapon. 
The Power Sword. 
A powerful weapon used in the battle for protection of all things good and just. Used by the leader of the Power Rangers to defend the universe against all threats that challenge that very idea.  The blade itself, so sharp can cut the very fabric of time. Used with precision and skill by its masterful user, no evil can stand against the Power Sword. ⚡️
#powerrangers #therangervault #gogopowerrangers #mightymorphinpowerrangers #mmpr #jdf #jasondavidfrank #jasonfaunt #austinstjohn #thepowerrangers #greenranger #whiteranger #blackranger #redranger #yellowranger #pinkranger #blueranger #rangers #ranger #zordon #themorphingrid #vaultnation 
You Ready?

Zordon’s / Jason’s Weapon. The Power Sword. A powerful weapon used in the battle for protection of all things good and just. Used by the leader of the Power Rangers to defend the universe against all threats that challenge that very idea. The blade itself, so sharp can cut the very fabric of time. Used with precision and skill by its masterful user, no evil can stand against the Power Sword. ⚡️ ⚡️ ⚡️ #powerrangers #therangervault #gogopowerrangers #mightymorphinpowerrangers #mmpr #jdf #jasondavidfrank #jasonfaunt #austinstjohn #thepowerrangers #greenranger #whiteranger #blackranger #redranger #yellowranger #pinkranger #blueranger #rangers #ranger #zordon #themorphingrid #vaultnation You Ready?

#powerrangers #therangervault #gogopowerrangers #mightymorphinpowerrangers #mmpr #jdf #jasondavidfrank #jasonfaunt #austinstjohn #thepowerrangers #greenranger #whiteranger #blackranger #redranger #yellowranger #pinkranger #blueranger #rangers #ranger #zordon #themorphingrid #vaultnation

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