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⁉️😤How do we do something big or significant😤⁉️

To step towards your destiny, you have to step away from your security.

You’ll never finish something you don’t start, the start is what stops us.

To do something significant all you have to do is have faith.

You don’t have to have the faith to finish, you have to have the faith to start.

Too many times we lower our standard and we don’t achieve what we want out of this life.

I challenge all of you to just START! Whatever it may be
-weight loss
-a purpose -A goal that’s been put off
-A job you think you can’t get
-Owning a business

Acting out on an idea - GO OUT AND GET WHAT YOU DESERVE !

⁉️😤How do we do something big or significant😤⁉️ - To step towards your destiny, you have to step away from your security. - You’ll never finish something you don’t start, the start is what stops us. - To do something significant all you have to do is have faith. - You don’t have to have the faith to finish, you have to have the faith to start. - Too many times we lower our standard and we don’t achieve what we want out of this life. - I challenge all of you to just START! Whatever it may be -weight loss -a purpose -A goal that’s been put off -A job you think you can’t get -Owning a business - Acting out on an idea - GO OUT AND GET WHAT YOU DESERVE !


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