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Somedays I really struggle to feel like I am doing this human thing right.

Am I good at what I do as a healer?
Am I doing enough for Stella?
How is my partnership?
Have I called my parents this week?
Wait, have a carved out anytime for fun this week?

Balancing all areas of life is hard. But in the biggest moments of doubt, I look at how freaking outstanding this baby is and know that is a reflection of the parenting Steve and I give her.

She is my biggest motivation and greatest source of getting present- being with her 100% means I cannot be worrying about the past or future.

Just now.

Somedays I really struggle to feel like I am doing this human thing right. Am I good at what I do as a healer? Am I doing enough for Stella? How is my partnership? Have I called my parents this week? Wait, have a carved out anytime for fun this week? Balancing all areas of life is hard. But in the biggest moments of doubt, I look at how freaking outstanding this baby is and know that is a reflection of the parenting Steve and I give her. She is my biggest motivation and greatest source of getting present- being with her 100% means I cannot be worrying about the past or future. Just now.


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