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❓❓Did YOU make excuses today??? Why not to exercise? Why not to eat good?
Why not to text that old friend?
Why not to spend some quiet time alone?
Why you couldn’t press play or get to the gym?
Why you didn’t drink much water?
Why you didn’t get to bed early last night?
We all make them about something, I challenge you to write them down right now and see if they still sound as legit as they did when you used them?!?! #stopmakingexcuses #fillyourcup #showup #takecareofyourself #beyourowninspiration #excuses #loveyourbody #loveyourself #momstruggles #momoflittles #love #motivation #wednesday

❓❓Did YOU make excuses today??? Why not to exercise? Why not to eat good? Why not to text that old friend? Why not to spend some quiet time alone? Why you couldn’t press play or get to the gym? Why you didn’t drink much water? Why you didn’t get to bed early last night? We all make them about something, I challenge you to write them down right now and see if they still sound as legit as they did when you used them?!?! #stopmakingexcuses #fillyourcup #showup #takecareofyourself #beyourowninspiration #excuses #loveyourbody #loveyourself #momstruggles #momoflittles #love #motivation #wednesday

#stopmakingexcuses #fillyourcup #showup #takecareofyourself #beyourowninspiration #excuses #loveyourbody #loveyourself #momstruggles #momoflittles #love #motivation #wednesday

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