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In an environment that grows increasingly overstimulating, with the seemingly endless ocean of people flowing in and out of streets, high rises and malls taking up the spaces that we used to dedicate to people, plants, and trees, billboards and buildings blocking out the sunrise and sunsets--everything can get so overwhelming. Whenever I would get so overwhelmed with things I would give myself a moment, step back, and breathe. But then, where? How?

In an environment that grows increasingly overstimulating, with the seemingly endless ocean of people flowing in and out of streets, high rises and malls taking up the spaces that we used to dedicate to people, plants, and trees, billboards and buildings blocking out the sunrise and sunsets--everything can get so overwhelming. Whenever I would get so overwhelmed with things I would give myself a moment, step back, and breathe. But then, where? How? . 1/3


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