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Stendhal syndrome/psychosomatic disorder that causes rapid hearbeat,dizziness,fainting l,confusion and hallucinations and drives to existational panic when an individual is exposed to great eternal art and architecture.We are all victims of this illness! 
Maybe we will loose your mind,dont worry.There are mix and match serums(vomit).
#art #fashion #fashioncollage #fashionset #inspiration #milan #florence #autumn2019 #culture #hyperkulturemia #ritualprojects #duomo #yproject

Stendhal syndrome/psychosomatic disorder that causes rapid hearbeat,dizziness,fainting l,confusion and hallucinations and drives to existational panic when an individual is exposed to great eternal art and architecture.We are all victims of this illness! Repeat: DATA DADA DATA DADA Maybe we will loose your mind,dont worry.There are mix and match serums(vomit). #art #fashion #fashioncollage #fashionset #inspiration #milan #florence #autumn2019 #culture #hyperkulturemia #ritualprojects #duomo #yproject

#art #fashion #fashioncollage #fashionset #inspiration #milan #florence #autumn2019 #culture #hyperkulturemia #ritualprojects #duomo #yproject

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