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Aprofitant les estonetes de sol al costat de la finestra amb vistes a l’Onyar. ☀️ Bon dilluns!!
Taking benefit of the sun beside the window with the best views at the Onyar river. ☀️ Good monday!!
#girona #laterra #laterragirona #bar #vegan #food #tuesday #food #gironamenamora #foodporn #photography #coolcafe #thediscoverer #thirdwavecoffee #baristadaily #cafe #coffee #trendybarista #weekend #ilovecoffee #sun

Aprofitant les estonetes de sol al costat de la finestra amb vistes a l’Onyar. ☀️ Bon dilluns!! . Taking benefit of the sun beside the window with the best views at the Onyar river. ☀️ Good monday!! . . . . . #girona #laterra #laterragirona #bar #vegan #food #tuesday #food #gironamenamora #foodporn #photography #coolcafe #thediscoverer #thirdwavecoffee #baristadaily #cafe #coffee #trendybarista #weekend #ilovecoffee #sun

#girona #laterra #laterragirona #bar #vegan #food #tuesday #food #gironamenamora #foodporn #photography #coolcafe #thediscoverer #thirdwavecoffee #baristadaily #cafe #coffee #trendybarista #weekend #ilovecoffee #sun

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