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#christianstationery #notanartist #areyouanartist The Lord Jesus Christ be with thy #spirit grace be with you By #grace are ye saved through faith #Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved Christ died for our sins Came into the world to save sinners Grow in grace Thy word is #truth #solidrockstationary for these days of shifting sand #ideas

#christianstationery #notanartist #areyouanartist The Lord Jesus Christ be with thy #spirit grace be with you By #grace are ye saved through faith #Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved Christ died for our sins Came into the world to save sinners Grow in grace Thy word is #truth #solidrockstationary for these days of shifting sand #ideas

#christianstationery #notanartist #areyouanartist #spirit #grace #Believe #truth #solidrockstationary #ideas

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