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1 dl

FOOTD Breakfast: 1 dl "filmjölk" + 3 g cheerios ~ 50 kcal Lunch: 70 g cod with lemon and tomatoes + 1 potatoe ~120 kcal Snack: 1/2 banana oat ND + satsumas~ 105kcal Dinner: 1/2 barbells proteinbar + 1 slice of (unpictured) plain bread ~ 186 kcal Night snack: 100 ml breyers low cal ice cream ~ 70 kcal #weightloss #footd #ednos #edrecovery #atypicalanorexia #depression #anxiety #generalizedanxietydisorder #cptsd #ednosrecovery #anawho #foodlog #weightlossprogress #recoverywin #ätstörd #ätstörning #atypiskanorexi #äs #ätstörningsrecovery #ångest

#weightloss #footd #ednos #edrecovery #atypicalanorexia #depression #anxiety #generalizedanxietydisorder #cptsd #ednosrecovery #anawho #foodlog #weightlossprogress #recoverywin #atypiskanorexi

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