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Want a chance to shoot a mini sesh on Mt. Hood with Dani, me and a couple of friends? You may even make it into the video that will be shot during the session. Dani (@danirexinephotography) and I will be heading to Mt. Hood this month as soon as my Ice Queen outfit arrives, and it would be a blast to have you join us! Dani is the photographer that kick started my modeling career and you will end up with some great shots! She will draw the name of the winner live, Monday, on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and feature it in her story. Here’s how you enter- 
1. Like and comment on this post.
2. Follow @danirexinephotography and tag 5 friends on one of my images on her page. 
3. The person who is drawn will be able to bring up to 5 friends for a mini session right after my photoshoot and I may even pop in for a couple shots! Good Luck!

Want a chance to shoot a mini sesh on Mt. Hood with Dani, me and a couple of friends? You may even make it into the video that will be shot during the session. Dani (@danirexinephotography) and I will be heading to Mt. Hood this month as soon as my Ice Queen outfit arrives, and it would be a blast to have you join us! Dani is the photographer that kick started my modeling career and you will end up with some great shots! She will draw the name of the winner live, Monday, on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and feature it in her story. Here’s how you enter- 1. Like and comment on this post. 2. Follow @danirexinephotography and tag 5 friends on one of my images on her page. 3. The person who is drawn will be able to bring up to 5 friends for a mini session right after my photoshoot and I may even pop in for a couple shots! Good Luck!


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