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Honestly, I wanted to blog about discipline (link in bio) because my child throws tantrums just like yours does. My toddler cries, fusses, disobeys frequently just like your kids. I wanted to share my story in solidarity with every mum, dad, uncle, aunt and grandparent struggling to discipline their kids. We discipline only because we love these precious ones too much to let them have whatever they want.

Since my last blog post, I have been getting too many DMs like - Humblet must be so obedient or you must be a perfect parent. Sorry for sending out these mixed signals. Neither of us fit the bill described above. Right here, you see Humblet running away this morning after doing something cheeky.

So pray tell, how do you discipline your children? 🐯

MIXED SIGNALS Honestly, I wanted to blog about discipline (link in bio) because my child throws tantrums just like yours does. My toddler cries, fusses, disobeys frequently just like your kids. I wanted to share my story in solidarity with every mum, dad, uncle, aunt and grandparent struggling to discipline their kids. We discipline only because we love these precious ones too much to let them have whatever they want. Since my last blog post, I have been getting too many DMs like - Humblet must be so obedient or you must be a perfect parent. Sorry for sending out these mixed signals. Neither of us fit the bill described above. Right here, you see Humblet running away this morning after doing something cheeky. So pray tell, how do you discipline your children? 🐯


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