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#love this #quoteoftheday

How #often do we #explain our #action or #reaction for #fear of being #misunderstood or #mistaken ? 
I #think the #lesson to be #learned here is that we should not be #giving so much #thought to what #people think of #us , but rather, who we #surround ourselves with and who we #give #power to. Because at the #end of the #day , we should not be in the #company of #anyone who does not #know that our actions and reactions to anything comes only from #love and #good #intention 
#speak #act #think all from love ❤

#love this #quoteoftheday How #often do we #explain our #action or #reaction for #fear of being #misunderstood or #mistaken ? I #think the #lesson to be #learned here is that we should not be #giving so much #thought to what #people think of #us , but rather, who we #surround ourselves with and who we #give #power to. Because at the #end of the #day , we should not be in the #company of #anyone who does not #know that our actions and reactions to anything comes only from #love and #good #intention #thinkaboutit #speak #act #think all from love ❤

#love #quoteoftheday #often #explain #action #reaction #fear #misunderstood #mistaken #think #lesson #learned #giving #thought #people #us #surround #give #power #end #day #company #anyone #know #love #good #intention #thinkaboutit #speak #act #think

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