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I’m obsessed with confidence lately. 
Reading, writing, contemplating it. 
Realizing that like authenticity, it’s more of a practice than something you either have or don’t have. It comes from your thoughts and daily choices. True confidence can only come from WITHIN. Not from a person, house, car, promotions, number on a scale or number in your bank account. ✨
Why am I so obsessed with learning about confidence? Because I realize SO many people struggle daily with paralyzing insecurities that prevent them from operating as their highest version of themselves. ✨
When even a part of us is focused on our insecurity or lack, we are not focused on our God given passion and dreams. When we are focused on why we can’t or aren’t worthy to do something we are not open to hearing the solutions, the first or next step, and the process. ✨
When we lack genuine inner confidence we accept counterfeits, sugar rushes, and other cheap substitutions. You’re worth so much more than that! ✨
I challenge choose to believe the best of yourself starting today. To re-write the story you tell yourself about where you are and why and instead focus on the future and all you can dream and accomplish. ✨
You have everything you need to create what you just need to let go of those self deprecating thoughts that lead to actions and decisions that are not serving you. ✨
I believe in you. God believes in you. 👉🏼Will you believe in yourself? ✍🏼What would you do today if you believed in yourself FULLY?

I’m obsessed with confidence lately. Reading, writing, contemplating it. Realizing that like authenticity, it’s more of a practice than something you either have or don’t have. It comes from your thoughts and daily choices. True confidence can only come from WITHIN. Not from a person, house, car, promotions, number on a scale or number in your bank account. ✨ Why am I so obsessed with learning about confidence? Because I realize SO many people struggle daily with paralyzing insecurities that prevent them from operating as their highest version of themselves. ✨ When even a part of us is focused on our insecurity or lack, we are not focused on our God given passion and dreams. When we are focused on why we can’t or aren’t worthy to do something we are not open to hearing the solutions, the first or next step, and the process. ✨ When we lack genuine inner confidence we accept counterfeits, sugar rushes, and other cheap substitutions. You’re worth so much more than that! ✨ I challenge choose to believe the best of yourself starting today. To re-write the story you tell yourself about where you are and why and instead focus on the future and all you can dream and accomplish. ✨ You have everything you need to create what you just need to let go of those self deprecating thoughts that lead to actions and decisions that are not serving you. ✨ I believe in you. God believes in you. 👉🏼Will you believe in yourself? ✍🏼What would you do today if you believed in yourself FULLY?


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