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Eunoia means beautiful thinking or a well mind. The beginning of my plant-based journey was also the beginning of a self-love journey. I came across this word randomly one day shortly after going plant-based and was drawn to it. I spontaneously got it tattooed on my arm one day because I felt the urge to. Ever since it has been a reminder to me that mental health and physical health go hand in hand. Before going plant-based, I never realized that the food choices I made had an impact on my mental health. Now I know, and I also have a new love and respect for myself ❤️

Eunoia means beautiful thinking or a well mind. The beginning of my plant-based journey was also the beginning of a self-love journey. I came across this word randomly one day shortly after going plant-based and was drawn to it. I spontaneously got it tattooed on my arm one day because I felt the urge to. Ever since it has been a reminder to me that mental health and physical health go hand in hand. Before going plant-based, I never realized that the food choices I made had an impact on my mental health. Now I know, and I also have a new love and respect for myself ❤️


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