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I discussed how vegan oatmeal is easy to make, as traditional oatmeal is made with just salt, oats and water, but that isn’t too exciting.
Toppings can turn a bowl of oats form a 1 to a 10, and there are plenty of vegan toppings to add. Here are some ideas:
Coconut chips
Fruit (bananas, berries, apples, frozen fruit, tinned fruit, dried fruit)
Nut butter
Nuts and seeds
Vegan yogurt
Dates (these ones are cocoa dusted!)
Cacao nibs
Other vegan biscuits (hobnobs, rich tea, party rings, ginger nuts)
What else? Leave them in the comments!

VEGAN TOPPINGS! I discussed how vegan oatmeal is easy to make, as traditional oatmeal is made with just salt, oats and water, but that isn’t too exciting. Toppings can turn a bowl of oats form a 1 to a 10, and there are plenty of vegan toppings to add. Here are some ideas: Coconut chips Fruit (bananas, berries, apples, frozen fruit, tinned fruit, dried fruit) Nut butter Nuts and seeds Chocolate Vegan yogurt Cereal Dates (these ones are cocoa dusted!) Cacao nibs Oreos Other vegan biscuits (hobnobs, rich tea, party rings, ginger nuts) Popcorn Granola What else? Leave them in the comments!


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